“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

~ African Proverb

Impact Hope works to send girls to Christian boarding schools outside of the refugee camp where they are safe, have access to quality education, and are focused on their future. Completing secondary education and vocational training empowers girls to reach their full potential!

In Sub-Saharan Africa:
  • 24 million girls can’t afford school.
  • A girl may marry as young as 13 and has a one in 22 chance of dying in childbirth.
  • One in six of her children will die before the age of five.


With Access to Education Women Can Do Amazing Things!
  • Launch businesses
  • Become health workers
  • Run schools
  • Lead governments 
With Access to Education Women Can Do Amazing Things!
  • Launch businesses
  • Become health workers
  • Run schools
  • Lead governments 

Research shows that if you educate a girl, she'll...

Earn up to 25% more and reinvest 90% into her family.

Have fewer, but healthier children who are 40% more likely to see life past the age of five.

Be three times less likely to become HIV postive.

Education is not freely available to everyone – and in many parts of the world, girls are the first to be excluded from it. Investing in girls and women is a proven way to improve the health and wealth of a whole nation. 

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