Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I send my letters?

Mail your letters to:

Impact Hope
Attn: Student’s Full Name
P.O. Box 28
Gladstone, Oregon 97027 USA

For the return address, please use your name and the Impact Hope address.

Email your letters:

How often will I hear from my student?

You can expect to hear from your student 1-2 times a year. We encourage communication to your students as well. It can take some time, as letters and packages generally are taken over with us on trips to Rwanda 2-3 times a year. 

Other forms of communication

Unfortunately, social media and email contact can create confusing or damaging situations for both students and sponsors. Therefore, no email or social media contact should be made. We make the same request to our students.  

If any correspondence raises any issue that troubles you and that you feel needs specific attention, please let us know, as our team is best placed to assess and provide the support needed. 

Access your donor portal

REACH is the tool we use to manage our sponsorship program.

One of the reasons we chose this new system was for its many benefits to you – our valued supporter. With REACH, you have 24/7 access to your data. You can edit your contact and payment information, review your donations, print your tax receipt documentation, as well as manage your sponsorships and donations. If you have a recurring contribution, this will continue uninterrupted.

If you are a sponsor, you also have an option to communicate with your student through the portal.

To sign in to your portal: Click on the Sign-In button below, enter your email address (only the primary email address on your account),  leaving the password field blank, and click “Sign in.” You will receive an email with instructions on how to set up your password.

Once signed in with your new password, please complete these quick 2 steps

(Click on MY PROFILE on the upper righthand screen)

  1. Verify your Contact Information – click on View Profile
  2. Review/Update your Payment Information – click on Update Payment Information

If you are not set up on automatic payments for your sponsored student, you can make your payment directly onto your student/s account.  Click on My Profile, then click “My Sponsorships”, find your student, click on the green circle which will then say New Donation. This will bring up your student’s name on the payment form.  If you choose to donate on the main page, it will not apply directly to your student account. 

Example to make a student payment:

If you have multiple sponsorships that you would like to make a payment toward, be sure to click the button that allows you to make one payment on all your accounts at the same time.

We’re grateful for your continued support!

We are thrilled to be able to serve you with this new donor portal. Please call or email us if you have any questions:, 503-673-3905.

Your identity

To protect the identity of our sponsors, we do not share your contact information directly with your sponsored student, and again, we strongly recommend that you do not communicate with your student via internet. We wish to protect you from your contact information becoming known to friends, relatives or neighbours, who may look to exploit your generosity. 

If you are contacted by your sponsored student, his or her family or a community member outside of communications sent by Impact Hope, we ask that you not respond and immediately contact us at or (503)673-3905. 

Gifts and additional funds

Many sponsors do like to send gifts or provide additional funds, and it has to be said that children here as anywhere love to receive them. However, in Impact Hope’s particular situation gift giving can also be a source of problems. Because of these three reasons, we ARE NOT accepting gifts or packages. 

A. Perceived fairness

Because we work under the jurisdiction of the UNHCR (United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Refugees), Impact Hope must be careful to abide by the established principles and practices of fairness. The arrival of anything that looks lavish or that could mark the student or family as specially favoured has to be avoided.

B. Logistics

The next issue is that of logistics – getting things to the students. We can take letters to students on our travels there 2-3 times a year. If you would like to send something directly to our field worker in Rwanda, please contact us for that information. 

C. The cost of the gift

Sponsors do like to be generous, but this has risks. Impact Hope aims to help the students become upright, educated, independent, involved contributors to their developing society. We want to do nothing that will encourage them to become dependent, to link sponsorship with personal gain or to equate a sponsor’s care and friendship with access to money or expensive presents.

How long should my student support last?

Four years. Our program sends students to school from 10th through 12th grade, in addition to one year of a vocational training program after high school graduation.

Our desire is that you will support your student for four years, however, we understand that is not always possible. If you need to cancel your support you may contact us at any time. 

Please understand that your student’s circumstances may change as well. We will contact you if your student was not able to continue in our program, has graduated, or has resettled in a new country and offer you the opportunity to support another student.

What happens if I need to discontinue my student support?

If you are no longer able to continue your student support, please call donor relations at (503) 673-3905.

What does my support provide?

For $600 a year, you provide a student with:

  • School Fees (includes tuition & insurance)
  • Mosquito Net
  • Uniforms
  • Hygiene Kit
  • Health Care
  • Books
  • Mattress, Sheets, and a Blanket
  • School Supplies 
  • A Field Coordinator 
  • Transportation to and from school
  • Bible
  • Fork, Knife & Spoon
Can I visit my student?
Due to the complexity of travel and permission from the local government, at this time we are not encouraging visits to students in Rwanda. In the future, we hope to be able to offer this wonderful opportunity again.
How much money actually goes to supporting my student?

100% of your money goes to supporting your student!

How much does it cost to support a student?

The cost to send a student to school is $50 a month, $600 a year.

Support a student today

Give By Mail

Donations via check or money order may be sent to:

Impact Hope
P.O. Box 28
Gladstone, Oregon 97027 USA

Please make donations payable to “Impact Hope” and indicate any special designations on the memo line of your check.

Read their Stories

This is My Story

This is My Story

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Freedom to Learn

Solange, can you share your story with us? I was born in 2002 to both my parents. My life in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was good. We were able to grow all of our food to sustain our family. In 2010, I lost my dad suddenly and unexpectedly. After his...

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When a Girl is Educated

As a young girl raised in southern California, I never wondered if I would go to school. School was one of my favorite places to be on earth. A place where I played tetherball with my friends, wore big red glasses while reading Paddington the Bear, and made new...

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