We are two weeks into the program and things are going fantastically!


Students are learning how to make their own kitchen gardens as well as other cultivation techniques. They are growing bananas, onions, spinach, carrots, beets and mushrooms.


Students know how to use the sewing machines and are making miniature versions of aprons, pants and shirts. They are excited and doing well. In addition, batique students are making beautiful designs by tie-dying their own fabric.


Students know how to put in extension and the techniques of twisting and braiding. Groups have worked together on their colleagues and they are looking beautiful. Now they have started learning how to do manicures properly, including the sanitation, preparation and application process.


They have learned how to wire their own boards and make safe and efficient wire connections.


They have learned how to connect pipes and are currently digging a trench in order to lay a pipe for water by the vocational classrooms.

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