Vocational Training

Vocational training opportunities give graduates a chance to learn a trade that provides a path to employment. Impact Hope offers vocation exploration through the summer trade program during secondary school, followed by the opportunity for a year-round vocational training and entrepreneur program at the Center for Hope, or a six-month regional trade school.

It is our goal to support 6-12 months of IPRC certification to any post-secondary Impact Hope students who demonstrate the desire and drive to pursue employment through vocational school.


Impact Hope provides a month-long vocational training program each year to introduce students to new vocations by giving them hands-on training. In addition to trades, students have courses in:

  • English
  • Business/Finance
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Mindset Change


The Center for Hope is Impact Hope’s very own vocational trade school. Vocational and entrepreneurial skills are taught  to empower students to start their own business and become self-reliant. This year-round program includes: 

  • Tailoring
  • Hairdressing
  • Culinary Arts
  • Agriculture
  • Welding
  • Electricity
  • Plumbing


Rwanda has quality certificate and advanced degree schools around the country. These Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRC) offer short-term learning programs (3-12 months) in various technical skills, including advanced English learning and Entrepreneurship courses. 


In March of 2020, our team had the pleasure of visiting a former Impact Hope student, Shukuru.  Thanks to the culinary arts training he received, and a motivation to move beyond life in the refugee camp, Shukuru opened a small bakery on the outskirts of Kigali. Seeing customers enjoying a meal when we walked in, and being served his delicious creations, brought us immense joy. This is why Impact Hope began!

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